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Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D.
May 20, 2011
China has officially put the United States on notice that Washington’s planned attack on Pakistan will be interpreted as an act of aggression against Beijing. This blunt warning represents the first known strategic ultimatum received by the United States in half a century, going back to Soviet warnings during the Berlin crisis of 1958-1961, and indicates the grave danger of general war growing out of the US-Pakistan confrontation.
“Any Attack on Pakistan Would be Construed as an Attack on China”
Responding to reports that China has asked the US to respect Pakistan’s sovereignty in the aftermath of the Bin Laden operation, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Jiang Yu used a May 19 press briefing to state Beijing’s categorical demand that the “sovereignty and territorial integrity of Pakistan must be respected.” According to Pakistani diplomatic sources cited by the Times of India, China has “warned in unequivocal terms that any attack on Pakistan would be construed as an attack on China.” This ultimatum was reportedly delivered at the May 9 China-US strategic dialogue and economic talks in Washington, where the Chinese delegation was led by Vice Prime Minister Wang Qishan and State Councilor Dai Bingguo.1 Chinese warnings are implicitly backed up by that nation’s nuclear missiles, including an estimated 66 ICBMs, some capable of striking the United States, plus 118 intermediate-range missiles, 36 submarine-launched missiles, and numerous shorter-range systems.
Support from China is seen by regional observers as critically important for Pakistan, which is otherwise caught in a pincers between the US and India: “If US and Indian pressure continues, Pakistan can say ‘China is behind us. Don’t think we are isolated, we have a potential superpower with us,’” Talat Masood, a political analyst and retired Pakistani general, told AFP.2
The Chinese ultimatum came during the visit of Pakistani Prime Minister Gilani in Beijing, during which the host government announced the transfer of 50 state-of-the-art JF-17 fighter jets to Pakistan, immediately and without cost.3 Before his departure, Gilani had stressed the importance of the Pakistan-China alliance, proclaiming: “We are proud to have China as our best and most trusted friend. And China will always find Pakistan standing beside it at all times….When we speak of this friendship as being taller than the Himalayas and deeper than the oceans it truly captures the essence of our relationship.”4 These remarks were greeted by whining from US spokesmen, including Idaho Republican Senator Risch.
The simmering strategic crisis between the United States and Pakistan exploded with full force on May 1, with the unilateral and unauthorized US commando raid alleged to have killed the phantomatic Osama bin Laden in a compound at Abottabad, a flagrant violation of Pakistan’s national sovereignty. The timing of this military stunt designed to inflame tensions between the two countries had nothing to do with any alleged Global War on Terror, and everything to do with the late March visit to Pakistan of Prince Bandar, the Saudi Arabian National Security Council chief. This visit had resulted in a de facto alliance between Islamabad and Riyadh, with Pakistan promising troops to put down any US-backed color revolution in the kingdom, while extending nuclear protection to the Saudis, thus making them less vulnerable to US extortion threats to abandon the oil-rich monarchy to the tender mercies of Tehran. A joint move by Pakistan and Saudi Arabia to break out of the US empire, whatever one may think of these regimes, would represent a fatal blow for the fading US empire in South Asia.
As for the US claims concerning the supposed Bin Laden raid of May 1, they are a mass of hopeless contradictions which changes from day to day. An analysis of this story is best left to literary critics and writers of theatrical reviews. The only solid and uncontestable fact which emerges is that Pakistan is the leading US target — thus intensifying the anti-Pakistan US policy which has been in place since Obama’s infamous December 2009 West Point speech.
Gilani: Full Force Retaliation to Defend Pakistan’s Strategic Assets
The Chinese warning to Washington came on the heels of Gilani’s statement to the Pakistan Parliament declaring: “Let no one draw any wrong conclusions. Any attack against Pakistan’s strategic assets, whether overt or covert, will find a matching response…. Pakistan reserves the right to retaliate with full force. No one should underestimate the resolve and capability of our nation and armed forces to defend our sacred homeland.”5 A warning of full force retaliation from a nuclear power such as Pakistan needs to be taken seriously, even by the hardened aggressors of the Obama regime.
The strategic assets Gilani is talking about are the Pakistani nuclear forces, the key to the country’s deterrent strategy against possible aggression by India, egged on by Washington in the framework of the US-India nuclear cooperation accord. The US forces in Afghanistan have not been able to conceal their extensive planning for attempts to seize or destroy Pakistan’s nuclear bombs and warheads. According to a 2009 Fox News report, “The United States has a detailed plan for infiltrating Pakistan and securing its mobile arsenal of nuclear warheads if it appears the country is about to fall under the control of the Taliban, Al Qaeda or other Islamic extremists.” This plan was developed by General Stanley McChrystal when he headed the US Joint Special Operations Command at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. JSOC, the force reportedly involved in the Bin Laden operation. is composed of Army Delta Force, Navy SEALs and “a high-tech special intelligence unit known as Task Force Orange.” “Small units could seize [Pakistan’s nukes], disable them, and then centralize them in a secure location,” claimed a source quoted by Fox.6
Obama Has Already Approved Sneak Attack on Pakistan’s Nukes
According to the London Sunday Express, Obama has already approved an aggressive move along these lines: “US troops will be deployed in Pakistan if the nation’s nuclear installations come under threat from terrorists out to avenge the killing of Osama Bin Laden… The plan, which would be activated without President Zardari’s consent, provoked an angry reaction from Pakistan officials… Barack Obama would order troops to parachute in to protect key nuclear missile sites. These include the air force’s central Sargodha HQ, home base for nuclear-capable F-16 combat aircraft and at least 80 ballistic missiles.” According to a US official, “The plan is green lit and the President has already shown he is willing to deploy troops in Pakistan if he feels it is important for national security.”7
Extreme tension over this issue highlights the brinksmanship and incalculable folly of Obama’s May 1 unilateral raid, which might easily have been interpreted by the Pakistanis as the long-awaited attack on their nuclear forces. According to the New York Times, Obama knew very well he was courting immediate shooting war with Pakistan, and “insisted that the assault force hunting down Osama bin Laden last week be large enough to fight its way out of Pakistan if confronted by hostile local police officers and troops.”
The Shooting Has Already Started
The shooting between US and Pakistani forces escalated on Tuesday May 17, when a US NATO helicopter violated Pakistani airspace in Waziristan. Pakistani forces showed heightened alert status, and opened fire immediately, with the US helicopter shooting back. Two soldiers at a Pakistani check post on the border in the Datta Khel area were wounded.8
Possible Pakistani retaliation for this border incursion came in Peshawar on Friday, May 20, when a car bomb apparently targeted a 2-car US consulate convoy, but caused no American deaths or injuries. One Pakistani bystander was killed, and several wounded. In other intelligence warfare, Ary One television reported the name of the CIA station chief in Islamabad, the second top US resident spook there to have his cover blown in six months.
US Envoy Grossman Rejects Pakistani Calls To Stop Border Violations
US Special Representative to Afghanistan and Pakistan Marc Grossman, the replacement for the late Richard Holbrooke, on May 19 arrogantly rejected Pakistani calls for guarantees that no more Abottabad-style unilateral operations would be mounted in Pakistan.9 In refusing to offer such assurances, Grossman claimed that Pakistani officials had never demanded respect for their border in recent years.10
In the midst of this strategic crisis, India has gone ahead with inherently provocative scheduled military maneuvers targeting Pakistan. This is the “Vijayee Bhava” (Be Victorious) drill, held in the Thar desert of north Rajastan,. This atomic-biological-chemical Blitzkrieg drill involves the Second Armored Corps, “considered to be the most crucial of the Indian Army’s three principal strike formations tasked with virtually cutting Pakistan in two during a full-fledged war.”11
The Nation: A CIA-RAW-Mossad Pseudo-Taliban Countergang
One way to provide the provocation needed to justify a US-Indian attack on Pakistan would be through an increase in terrorist actions attributable to the so-called Taliban. According to the mainstream Pakistani media, the CIA, the Israeli Mossad, and the Indian RAW (Research and Analysis Wing) have created their own version of the Taliban in the form of a terrorist countergang which they control and direct. According to one account, “Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operatives have infiltrated the Taliban and Al-Qaeda networks, and have created their own Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) force in order to destabilize Pakistan.” The former Punjab Regional Commander of the Pakistani Inter-Service Intelligence (ISI), retired Brigadier General Aslam Ghuman, commented: “During my visit to the US, I learned that the Israeli spy agency Mossad, in connivance with Indian agency RAW, under the direct supervision of CIA, planned to destabilize Pakistan at any cost.”12 Was this countergang responsible for last week’s double bombing in Waziristan, which killed 80 paramilitary police?
According to the same account, Russian intelligence “disclosed that CIA contractor Raymond Davis and his network had provided Al-Qaeda operatives with chemical, nuclear and biological weapons, so that US installations may be targeted and Pakistan be blamed….” Davis, a JSOC veteran himself, was arrested for the murder of two ISI agents, but then released by the Pakistani government after a suspicious hue and cry by the State Department.
CIA Claims The New Al Qaeda Boss Lives in Waziristan
If the US needs a further pretext for additional raids, it will also be easy to cite the alleged presence in Waziristan of Saif al-Adel, now touted by the CIA as bin Laden’s likely successor as boss of al Qaeda.13 It is doubtless convenient for Obama’s aggressive intentions that Saif al-Adel can be claimed to reside so close to what is now the hottest border in the world, and not in Finsbury or Flatbush.
In the wake of the unauthorized May 1 US raid, the Pakistani military chief General Kayani had issued his own warning that similar “misadventures” could not be repeated, while announcing that US personnel inside Pakistan would be sharply reduced. In the estimate of one ISI source, there are currently about 7,000 CIA operatives in country, many of them unknown to the Pakistani government. US-Pakistan intelligence sharing has reportedly been downgraded. In response to Kayani’s moves, the CIA limited hangout operation known as Wikileaks once again showed its real nature by attempting to discredit the Pakistan commander with dubious US cable reports that he had demanded more Predator drone attacks, not fewer, in recent years.
Especially since Obama’s West Point speech, the CIA has used Predator drone attacks to slaughter civilians with the goal of fomenting civil war inside Pakistan, leading to a breakup of the country along the ethnic lines of Punjab, Sind, Baluchistan, and Pushtunistan. The geopolitical goal is to destroy Pakistan’s potential to be the energy corridor between Iran and China. Selig Harrison has emerged as a top US advocate for Baluchistan succession.
Since May 1, six reported US Predator drones attacks have slain some 42 Pakistani civilians, goading public opinion into a frenzy of anti-US hatred. In response, a joint session of the Pakistani parliament voted unanimously on May 14 to demand an end to American missile strikes, calling on the government to cut NATO’s supply line to Afghanistan if the attacks should continue.14 Since the Karachi to Khyber Pass supply line carries as much as two thirds of the supplies needed by the Afghanistan invaders, such a cutoff would cause chaos among the NATO forces. All of this points to the inherent insanity of provoking war with the country your supply line runs through.
US Wants to Use Taliban Boss Mullah Omar Against Pakistan
The State Department dropped all preconditions for negotiating with the Taliban back in February, and the US is now reported by the Washington Post to be talking with envoys of Mullah Omar, the legendary one-eyed leader of the Quetta Shura or Taliban ruling council. It is apparent that the US is offering the Taliban an alliance against Pakistan. US regional envoy Grossman is hostile to the Pakistanis, but when it comes to the Taliban he has been nicknamed “Mr. Reconciliation.”15 By contrast, the US is said to be determined to assassinate the head of the Haqqani network using a Bin Laden-type raid. The Pakistanis are equally determined to keep the Haqqani as an ally.
If China stands behind Pakistan, then Russia might be said to stand behind China. Looking forward to the upcoming June 15 meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Chinese President Hu praised Sino-Russian relations as being “at an unprecedented high point,” with an “obvious strategic ingredient.” In a press conference this week, Russian President Medvedev was obliged indirectly to acknowledge that the much-hyped Obama “reset” with Russia had amounted to very little, since the US ABM missile program in Romania and the rest of eastern Europe, so obviously directed against Russia, means that the START treaty is of dubious value, thus raising the specter of a “new Cold War.” Given the NATO assault on Libya, there would be no UN resolution against Syria, said Medvedev. Putin has been right all along, and Medvedev is trying to imitate Putin to salvage some chance of remaining in power.
Are We in July 1914?
The crisis leading to World War I began with the Sarajevo assassinations of June 28, 1914, but the first major declaration of war did not occur until August 1. In the interim month of July 1914, large parts of European public opinion retreated into a dreamlike trance, an idyllic la-la land of elegiac illusion, even as the deadly crisis gathered momentum. Something similar can be seen today. Many Americans fondly imagine that the alleged death of Bin Laden marks the end of the war on terror and the Afghan War. Instead, the Bin Laden operation has clearly ushered in a new strategic emergency. Forces which had opposed the Iraq war, from MSNBC to many left liberals of the peace movement, are variously supporting Obama’s bloody aggression in Libya, or even celebrating him as a more effective warmonger than Bush-Cheney because of his supposed success at the expense of Bin Laden. In reality, if there were ever a time to mobilize to stop a new and wider war, this is it.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Police Chief Commissioner Simon Overland wants to expand his powers. Herald Sun
UPDATE 9.30am: THE Police Association says Simon Overland's proposed law changes to expand his powers while scaling back external oversight of the police force would be a "recipe for disaster".
The commissioner wants the office of the chief empowered to promote or dismiss rogue officers, and to determine police employment conditions including pay.
He has also asked that only the Office of Police Integrity handle serious misconduct complaints about the chief, the Herald Sun has learnt.
Now, the Police Regulation Act says whistleblowers may take such complaints to the Ombudsman.
Mr Overland has claimed the dual structure is confusing.
Police Association boss Snr-Sgt Greg Davies said the union opposed the proposal.
"We opposed the push for these sorts of powers last time. We would oppose for them this time," Snr-Sgt Davies said this morning.
Mr Overland faces resistance from the Baillieu Government, which said his proposals were doomed."We have no problem with external contractors being held accountable for security breaches but that’s the end of it. We certainly don't support the abolition of the Police Appeals Board. We don’t support the centralising of this completely unfettered power in any one person anywhere."
Setting the scene for a potential showdown between Mr Overland and the Government, Mr Overland wants the law amended to:
GIVE the chief more power to sack or discipline police, particularly those suspected of corruption.
ABOLISH the Police Appeals Board, preferring instead to have police challenge promotion and transfer decisions in-house.
BAN contractors to Victoria Police disclosing sensitive police information to which they might have access.
The changes reflect those proposed by former chief Christine Nixon in 2008. The Coalition refused to back the Nixon changes while in opposition.
Victoria Police last night confirmed it had again raised the changes with the Government.
But a spokeswoman for Police Minister Peter Ryan said: "Consistent with that (previous) stance we will not pursue these amendments in Government."
The Ombudsman is investigating a claim Mr Overland released crime statistics favourable to Labor before the election.
Mr Overland this month complained to the OPI his former deputy Sir Ken Jones had been leaking information to the media.
In doing so, he reportedly met former AFP officer Paul Jevtovic, who is the OPI's deputy director. Mr Overland served two decades with the AFP.
The Baillieu Government's plan to replace the OPI with a wide-ranging anti-corruption body has been delayed with no start date.
UPDATE 12.05pm: POLICE have swarmed Melbourne and Avalon airports after receiving a warning of an extremist threat. What is an "extremist threat"? Is it because the Feral Bum wants to capitalise on a ho-hum situation by fuelling people's fears. Fears which they stoke with monotonous regularity.
A police spokeswoman said the force was "assessing the threat and working closely with Australian Federal Police and airport security to ensure community safety’’. Airport security are really going to help against an "extremist threat"
Letter warning of a threat to Avalon and Tullamarine airports were sent to the Herald Sun and other Melbourne media outlets this morning.
The threat was explicit and talked about the exact weapons that would be used.
The Herald Sun has chosen not to reveal the full contents of the letter after a request from Victoria Police. WOW. Sounds serious. Or like a tabloid beat up.
Police have visited the offices of the Herald Sun and took both the letter and the envelope it was sent in for fingerprinting.
Avalon CEO Justin Giddings said police advised the airport of a "non-specific’’ threat against it about 9am.
He said he didn’t believe the scare was a bomb threat.
"It’s extremely rare. It’s business as usual,’’ Mr Giddings said.
"We have increased security. There have been no cancellations, no delays, terminal evacuations or road closures.’’
Either the airport is deliberately endangering life, or, The Feral Bum is milking this situation for all they are worth. Tabloids tend to do that sort thing, and the foreign-owned Herald Sun is well known for media beat ups.
A short time ago, a Channel 9 helicopter pilot hovering over the scene at Avalon said it did not appear to be affecting airport operations, despite at least six police cars at the scene.
“It doesn’t appear the roads are blocked, but there is a heavy police presence,” the Channel Nine pilot Ross Barker told his network.
Jetstar and Qantas maintenance facilities are based at the airport.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
The managing director of the International Monetary Fund, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, was taken off an Air France plane at Kennedy International Airport minutes before it was to take off for Paris on Saturday and arrested in connection with the sexual attack of a maid at a Midtown Manhattan hotel, the authorities said.
Mr. Strauss-Kahn, 62, who was widely expected to become the Socialist candidate for the French presidency, was apprehended by detectives of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey in the first class section of the jetliner, and immediately turned over to detectives from the Midtown South Precinct, officials said.
The New York Police Department took Mr. Strauss-Kahn into custody, where he was “being questioned in connection with the sexual assault of a hotel chambermaid earlier this afternoon,” Deputy Commissioner Paul J. Browne, the New York Police Department’s chief spokesman, said Saturday evening. “He is being arrested for a criminal sex act, attempted rape and unlawful imprisonment.”
A spokeswoman for the Manhattan district attorney’s office said prosecutors were investigating the matter and expected to bring formal criminal charges against Mr. Strauss-Kahn by early Sunday morning.
Mr. Strauss-Kahn, a former French finance minister, had been expected to declare his candidacy soon after three and a half years as the leader of the fund, which is based in Washington. He was considered by many to have done a good job in a period of intense global economic strain, when the bank itself had become vital to the smooth running of the world and the European economy.
His apprehension came at about 4:40 p.m., when two detectives of the Port Authority suddenly boarded Air France Flight 23, as the plane idled at the departure gate, said John P. L. Kelly, a spokesman for the agency.
“It was 10 minutes before its scheduled departure,” said Mr. Kelly. “They were just about to close the doors.”
Mr. Kelly said Mr. Strauss-Kahn was traveling alone and was not handcuffed during the apprehension.
“He complied with the detectives’ directions,” Mr. Kelly said.
The Port Authority officers were acting on information from the Police Department, whose detectives had been investigating the assault of a female employee of Sofitel New York, at 45 West 44th Street, near Times Square. Working quickly, the city detectives learned he had boarded a flight at Kennedy airport to leave the country.
Mr. Strauss-Kahn’s time at the bank was tarnished in 2008 by an affair with a Hungarian economist who was a subordinate there. The fund decided to stand by him despite concluding that he had shown poor judgment in the affair. Mr. Strauss-Kahn issued an apology to employees at the bank and his wife, Anne Sinclair, an American-born French journalist.
In his statement then, Mr. Strauss-Kahn said, “I am grateful that the board has confirmed that there was no abuse of authority on my part, but I accept that this incident represents a serious error of judgment.” The economist, Piroska Nagy, left the fund as part of a buyout of nearly 600 employees instituted by Mr. Strauss-Kahn to cut costs.
In the New York case, Mr. Browne said that it was about 1 p.m. on Saturday when the maid, a 32-year-old woman, entered Mr. Strauss-Kahn’s suite — Room 2086 — to clean it. Mr. Browne said the suite, which cost $3,000 a night, had a foyer, a living room and a bedroom.
As she was in the foyer, “he came out of the bathroom, fully naked, and attempted to sexually assault her,” Mr. Browne said. . “He grabs her, according to her account and pulls her into the bedroom and onto the bed,” Mr. Browne added. He locked the door to the suite, Mr. Browne said.
“She fights him off and he then drags her down the hallway to the bathroom, where he sexually assaults her a second time,” Mr. Browne added.
At some point during the assault that followed, the woman broke free, Mr. Browne said, and “she fled, reported it to other hotel personnel, who called 911. When the police arrived, he was not there.” Mr. Browne said Mr. Strauss-Kahn appeared to have left in a hurry. Investigators found his cellphone in the room, which he had left behind, and one law enforcement official said that investigation in the hotel room uncovered forensic evidence that would contain DNA.
Mr. Browne added: “We learned that he was on an Air France plane,” and the plane was held at the gate, where Mr. Strauss-Kahn was taken into custody. Later Saturday night, Mr. Browne said Mr. Strauss-Kahn was in a police holding cell.
Mr. Browne said the city’s Emergency Medical Service took the maid to Roosevelt Hospital for what Mr. Browne described as treatment for “minor injuries.”
No matter the outcome of Saturday’s episode, it will likely throw the French political world into turmoil and the Socialist Party into an embarrassed confusion.
Mr. Strauss-Kahn, a leading member of the party, has been considered the front-runner for the next presidential election in France in May 2012. Opinion polls have shown him to be the Socialists’ most popular candidate and running well ahead of the incumbent, Nicolas Sarkozy, who leads the center-right party.
France has been waiting for Mr. Strauss-Kahn to decide whether to run for his party’s nomination in a series of primaries, which would mean giving up his post as managing director of the fund.
The view in France was that if Mr. Strauss-Kahn wanted to run, he would have to make his intentions clear early this summer, and most politicians and analysts have been predicting that he would not be able to resist the chance to run the country.
Mr. Strauss-Kahn contested for the nomination five years ago, losing to Ségolène Royal, who ultimately lost a second-round runoff to Mr. Sarkozy. Mr. Sarkozy then arranged for Mr. Strauss-Kahn to get the I.M.F. job, in part to remove a popular rival from France’s political landscape.
Mr. Strauss-Kahn was the French minister of economy under the Socialist prime minister Lionel Jospin from 1997 to 1999, and he has also been a professor of economics at the Paris Institute of Political Studies.
In 1995, he was elected mayor of Sarcelles, a poor suburb of Paris, and married Ms. Sinclair.
The couple are known to enjoy the finer things in life, and Mr. Strauss-Kahn has sometimes been attacked for being a “caviar leftist.”
Recently Mr. Strauss-Kahn and his wife were photographed entering an expensive Porsche in Paris belonging to one of their friends. The image of a Socialist with Porsche tastes was quickly picked up by the press, especially the newspapers that generally support Mr. Sarkozy.
William K. Rashbaum and Colin Moynihan contributed reporting.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
James Corbett The Corbett Report 2 May, 2011
When Obama pronounced Osama Bin Laden dead in a televised announcement heard round the world last night, he was at least the ninth major head of state or high-ranking government official to have done so.
Given Bin Laden’s documented kidney problems and consequent need for dialysis, government officials, heads of state and counterterrorism experts have repeatedly opined that Osama Bin Laden has in fact been dead for some time. These assertions are based on Bin Laden’s failing health in late 2001 and visible signs of his deteriorating condition, as well as actual reports of his death from the same time frame.
In July of 2001, Osama Bin Laden was flown to the American Hospital in Dubai for kidney treatment. According to French intelligence sources, he was there met by the local CIA attache. When the agent bragged about his encounter to friends later, he was promptly recalled to Washington.
On the eve of September 11, Osama Bin Laden was staying in a Pakistani military hospital under the watchful eye of Pakistan’s ISI, the Pakistani equivalent of the CIA with deep ties to the American intelligence community.
In October 2001, Bin Laden appeared in a videotape wearing army fatigues and Islamic headdress, looking visibly pale and gaunt. In December of 2001, another videotape was released, this time showing a seriously ill Bin Laden who was seemingly unable to move his left arm.
Then on December 26, 2001, Fox News reported on a Pakistan Observer story that the Afghan Taliban had officially pronounced Osama Bin Laden dead earlier that month. According to the report, he was buried less than 24 hours later in an unmarked grave in accordance with Wahabbist Sunni practices.
What followed was a string of pronouncements from officials affirming what was already obvious: supposedly living in caves and bunkers in the mountainous pass between Afghanistan and Pakistan, Osama would have been deprived of the dialysis equipment that he required to live.
On January 18, 2002, Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf announced quite bluntly: “I think now, frankly, he is dead.”
On July 17, 2002, the then-head of counterterrorism at the FBI, Dale Watson, told a conference of law enforcement officials that “I

Osama Bin Laden in December 2001
personally think he [Bin Laden] is probably not with us anymore,” before carefully adding that “I have no evidence to support that.”
In October 2002, Afghan President Hamid Karzai told CNN that “I would come to believe that [Bin Laden] probably is dead.”
In November 2005, Senator Harry Reid revealed that he was told Osama may have died in the Pakistani earthquake of October that year.
In September 2006, French intelligence leaked a report suggesting Osama had died in Pakistan.
On November 2, 2007, former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto told Al-Jazeera’s David Frost that Omar Sheikh had killed Osama Bin Laden.
In March 2009, former US foreign intelligence officer and professor of international relations at Boston University Angelo Codevilla stated: “All the evidence suggests Elvis Presley is more alive today than Osama Bin Laden.”
In May 2009, Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari confirmed that his “counterparts in the American intelligence agencies” hadn’t heard anything from Bin Laden in seven years and confirmed “I don’t think he’s alive.”
Now in 2011, President Obama has added himself to the mix of people in positions of authority who have pronounced Osama Bin Laden dead. Some might charge that none of the previous reports had any credibility, but as it is now emerging that Osama’s body was buried at sea less than 12 hours after his death with no opportunity for any independent corroboration of his identity, the same question of credibility has to be leveled at this latest charge. To this point, the only evidence we have been provided that Osama Bin Laden was killed yesterday are some images on tv of a burning compound and the word of the man currently occupying the oval office.
But given that an informed consensus has formed around the opinion that Bin Laden died long ago due to kidney failure, will the people of America hold their President to the highest standard in presenting evidence that the person killed was actually Osama Bin Laden, and that he actually died in the way described, or will this pronouncement go unquestioned like so many other deaths in the never ending war of terror?
Stay tuned for more on this story as it develops…
May 2, 2011 Source: www.roguegovernment.com By Lee Rogers
It was only a matter of time before the criminal terrorists in the United States government decided that it was time to claim that they had finally killed Osama Bin Laden. His reported death is nothing more than a staged psychological warfare operation designed to aid Barack Obama's credibility as President and to make the claim that progress in this fake terror war is being made. In reality, Bin Laden required the use of a kidney dialysis machine right around the time of the September 11th attacks and there were even reports of his death around the same time frame. Mikiverse Editors note: It appears that OBL died around December 2001 from kidney disfunction. Certainly, on the evening preceding the 9/11 false flag op, OBL was treated by U.S Medics at a U.S Army Base in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. All of the major Bin Laden videos that were either found or released after the September 11th attacks were criticized as fakes. This includes the infamous fat Bin Laden tape that was allegedly found in Jalalabad Afghaninstan following the American lead invasion that appears to show an actor playing the role of Bin Laden claiming that he was behind the September 11th attacks. The bottom line is that there was never any substantial evidence to suggest that he was alive in the months and years following the September 11th attacks and he has most likely been dead for years. This whole story about the United States killing Bin Laden in a raid appears to be yet another lie and there are many reasons to believe that this is the case.
Anyone who has seriously researched Bin Laden understands that he was nothing more than a character created by the United States as an excuse to justify the start of an endless war against terrorism. Bin Laden was a CIA asset dating back to at least the 1980s where he was heavily involved in supporting the Afghan Mujahideen in their war against the Soviet Union. Bin Laden and many high profile figures associated with the Afghan Mujahideen would later become what the United States government and the corporate controlled media propagandists have referred to as Al-Qaeda, a shadowy network of Islamic terrorists that are said to hate America. In truth, the organization referred to as Al-Qaeda doesn't even really exist and it is just said to exist so Americans believe they have an enemy around the world that needs to be fought. Throughout the 1990s and up until the September 11th attacks, Bin Laden was blamed for a number of terrorist attacks including the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings in Africa and the 2000 USS Cole bombing. This set the stage for the United States government and the corporate controlled media propagandists to blame Bin Laden for planning and executing the September 11th attacks. In fact, some corporate controlled media outlets even labeled him as a suspect just less than an hour after the attacks took place with no evidence or information proving that he was in fact responsible.
Of course, we know that 19 Arab hi-jackers with boxcutters lead by a man in a cave could not have possibly pulled off those events without some sort of help from the inside. There is no way that three steel framed skyscrapers which included the Twin Towers and WTC-7 could have all collapsed at free fall speed just from the impact of the planes. WTC-7 wasn't even hit by a plane making it clear that these buildings were blown up with explosive devices and/or other forms of weaponry that the hi-jackers could not have had control over. There are countless other problems with the official story including the war games the United States military was conducting on September 11th that helped ensure that legitimate military assets would not interfere with the events that took place. People responsible for the defense failures that day were actually given promotions instead of reprimands which was a way to keep potentially disgruntled military leaders from talking. Even several members of the 9/11 Commission the group which was formed to investigate the September 11th attacks have come out and criticized the Commission's findings. The bottom line is that the official story of the September 11th attacks has more holes in it than a stack of swiss cheese. The official story is the conspiracy theory despite assertions from the bought and paid for stooges in the corporate controlled media.
Fast forward to May 1st 2011 and we see Obama making an announcement claiming that Bin Laden was killed in a raid on a Pakistan compound that was conducted under his direction. Conveniently the operation was lead by the CIA meaning that the official story of the raid should automatically be considered suspect considering Bin Laden's original association with the CIA and the CIA's history of lies and deceipt. On top of that, the United States government has offered no legitimate proof of his death and decided that they would dump his body in the sea only 24 hours after the raid claiming that no country wanted his body. The official explanation for this is that they were respecting Islamic practice and tradition which states that a dead body should be buried 24 hours after death. Common sense suggests that this is total hogwash considering the significance that has been placed on this man's capture or death over the past several years. If in fact the raid and Bin Laden's death went down exactly as they said it did, they should have asked for independent experts and representatives from other countries to examine the body, conduct DNA testing and what not so there would be no doubt or question in people's minds. By stating that they dumped his body in the sea is just a way out of having to grant access to the body in order to prevent other countries from verifying the legitimacy of their story surrounding Bin Laden's alleged demise.
Supposedly the Obama administration is considering releasing photographs that show Bin Laden's dead body which they will sell as conclusive proof of his death. But considering other questionable photo releases like the alleged photos of Sadaam Hussein's dead sons which looked like something you'd find in a wax museum, any photos originating from the United States government of Bin Laden's dead body should have no credibility. We live in an age where images and video can be easily manipulated to create a false view of reality so there's no reason to believe anything these people release as supposed proof of their story considering their previous track record.
On top of this, the announcement of Bin Laden's death occurring on May 1st 2011 provides even more proof that this was a staged event considering that May 1st is the birthday of the Bavarian Illuminati which was founded on May 1st 1776 by the Jesuit educated Adam Weishaupt. It also comes exactly 66 years after Adolf Hitler's death was announced on May 1st 1945. Should we really believe that this is the result of pure chance considering everything else we've covered in this article? It is an inside joke for the people who know the real story.
It looks as if in the upcoming 2012 staged U.S. presidential elections we could very well see Obama using the campaign slogan "Obama got Osama" or "Obama killed Osama" or any number of other variations. Of course with Bin Laden now officially dead in the minds of Americans does this mean we can end the phony terror war and scale back the many ridiculous anti-freedom security measures and laws that were put in place to fight this bogus war? According to what we are being told by establishment sources, this fake terror war must continue despite Bin Laden's death which shouldn't really come as much of a surprise because this is a war that is never meant to end no matter how many so-called terrorist or Al-Qaeda leaders that are killed.
Either way, this whole story surrounding Bin Laden's death is just another false reality designed to manipulate the perception of the American people. It was becoming increasingly clear that they could no longer justify the money spent and the human toll this war has taken without being able to find the single man that they have primarily blamed for this war being waged. This is why we now see the claim of Bin Laden's demise being announced and it serves as great public relations fodder for Obama's re-election campaign. As stated before, Bin Laden has likely been dead for many years and there is no reason to believe anything surrounding the official story of Bin Laden's death. The fact that we have so many people in the streets of America chanting USA because of this man's alleged death is proof that we have a large number of mind controlled zombies who simply believe anything the corporate controlled media tells them. If a Fox News reporter said the sky was purple, these people in the streets yelling and screaming with American flags would probably believe that also.