Friday, January 7, 2011


Special Edition by Michael Byers Editor-In-Chief, The Mikiverse.
Former Australian,Canadian,Brit, and current American, Rupert Murdoch's Corporate Victorian, tabloid newspaper, The Herald Sun, has launched an extraordinary attack on Radio host and documaentary film maker, Alex Jones, Paul Watson and Prison
This attack, by Helen Davidson, is contained in an article about the spate of animal deaths that have happened in America,Brazil, England and New Zealand recently.
Davidson, wrote that;
"One example is from conspiracy theorists Joseph Watson and Alex Jones of who blame it on "the government". According to the site authorities have “routinely engaged in secret testing of biological and electromagnetic weapons that have detrimentally impacted both humans and animals many times in the past”."
As per usual, the Herald Sun has declined to undertake a sober, rational and logical appraisal of the situation that they are writing about.
Nor, do they seek to write in any type of depth, choosing, instead to launch an ad hominim attack on Alex Jones, who is but one, of a growing trend of independent reporters -such as this journalist- committed to freedom of speech and the promulgation of truth throughout our communities.
As more and more people consume their news on-line from independent, truth sources such as the mikiverse, prison, the crowhouse and various other independent agencies, the less relevant, these archaic, corporate monoliths become, selling less copy, raising less advertising revenue and generally becoming more and more irrelavant to the general community.
Maybe this is why they are all-too-happy to distort facts given to them by the VICTORIA POLICE corporation about Drink driving in an all-too obvious attempt to propagate fear in the community about the intrusions and havoc that booze busses cause in our community in their pathetic attempts at money grabbing.
As the Mikiverse exclucisely revealed in 2009 & 2010, these traffic jam creating "operations" have revealed that only 0.3-0.8% of tested travellers are actually in contravention of their drink driving policies.
Yet, the flimsy excuse offered by Victoria Police is lapped up by the Herald Sun without question and presented to their readers as some type of "truth".
That they then have the temerity to label Alex Jones a 'conspiracy theorist' because he and his staff offers opinions on the strange culling of animals in different corners of the globe, which raises the appearanceof being a rather effective illustration of the fear that alternative news sites are instilling in corporate news boardrooms the world over.
We would do well to remember that the issue of writing a truthful article appears to have nothing to do with this outrageous Herald Sun attack on Jones & co. The LAST thing that Corporate Media Tycoons such as Rupert Murdoch, their editorial, and journalistic staff want is for you to explore the contents of truth sites such as the Mikiverse, Info Wars, Elijah's Challenge, OSTF,,
the World Freemen Society and other alternative sites. It is in places like these that real truth is being shared, whether it be your common law right to travel, 9/11, 7/7, Bali and other events being false flag operations, the manipulation of the economy and currency, 2012, wikileaks and a whole lot more. Learning the truth about events like 9/11 simultaneously expose the hypocrisy and lies that have been served up by the corporate press about these events in their "coverage". This is why they attack like a pack of dogs when someone like Kevin Bracken talks about 9/11 truth, or they refer to 9/11, or Alex Jones - they don't want their lies to be exposed.
In fact, 2012 receives the Herald Sun serves up a tittilating, teenage style of emotive fare when they find time to glibly include 2012 in the same article, when it intones; "
And let’s not even get started on the 2012 end of the world predictions."
As far as I am aware, this is the first article that has directly mentioned Alex Jones in any capacity. Am I being unfair in predicting that the Herald Sun will not be rushing to write any fair and balanced articles about Alex and other members of the truth community in the near future?
And we wonder why they are losing readers every day ham over fist....

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