Saturday, April 9, 2011


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American Tea Party patriots, who have been continuously reviled and ridiculed on mainstream news outlets that originate in the Big Apple, have now been at least partially vindicated by one of Kings of the Big Apple himself: Donald Trump. He has rightfully embraced the Tea Party’s call for Barack Obama to come clean on where he was born, and if he decides to run for president in 2012, he is going to defeat Barack Obama BY A STUNNING LANDSLIDE.

I can taste REAL hope and change in the air, and it originates from the possibility that in 2012 Trump will defeat this fraudulent liar and inept man, Obama, and that we will finally have a bold and courageous businessman and leader at the helm.

Imagine! An actual ‘Alpha Male‘ in the White House for the first time in nearly 40 years, [ what a concept] who can turn this country around. It cannot happen fast enough. Trump has the true grit and business acumen to begin rebuilding our crumbling national infrastructure, get our men and women home from overseas, close the borders to illegals, and begin creating jobs in America. He will do more in one year to turn this mess around than Barack Obama could do in eight years. Trust me on this. Trump is a given, proven leader with a track record 500 miles long of getting things done and inspiring others to do the same.

He will have the good sense to STOP the nation wrecking federal spending spree which is sending America over the cliff, and bring the country’s finances back into order. There is actual real hope for me if this man decides to run, not the fake media manufactured “faux hope and change campaign lie” perpetrated by 2008′s great liar and false political messiah, Obama.

Americans need a president they can believe in again. Run, Donald Run! This Tea Party patriot is behind you all the way.

Chase Kyla Hunter

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