Sunday, November 28, 2010


By Michael Byers, Editor in Chief: Mikiverse Headline News.

America, the country that seems plagued by terrorist activity that involves their own secret service personnel, has found themselves in ANOTHER terrorist plot.

THIS TIME, an AMERICAN TEENAGER, has somehow managed to forge an alliance with Al-CIAda in North-Western Pakistan, AND, unbeknownst to him, American secret service personnel, was captured trying to detonate a mobile phone bomb at a NOVEMBER CHRISTMAS CONGREGATION.

This alleged terrorist attempt occurred after the teenager was pushed away from the van by the U.S secret service officers who supplied him with the bomb, and, made sure that he attempted to detonate the bomb in front of them, so that he could try to detonate this bomb in the open.

It isn’t a good look to have U.S secret service officers standing next to a so-called terrorist that THEY THEMSELVES HAVE ARMED!

Unlike the 1993 WTC bombing, this time, the officials supplied a false bomb to the teenager with international connections.

Maybe it is time to invade Iran, North Korea or even Pakistan!

1 comment:

  1. Oh good! Now maybe they'll stop complaining about those wonderful scanners at the airports.
